The universe was not just made of gross matter, but each of its constituent atoms pulsed with an internal, convoluted, interactive intelligence. Panpsychism, or the belief that the entire universe is conscious, appears to provide a workaround for Cartesian mind-matter dualism. We no longer need to worry about how inanimate matter shapes minds, because mindfulness has been there all along, residing in the fabric of the universe. Human intelligence, thanks to convoluted neural networks, has been blessed with the ability to explore not only the universe, but also to know its true nature – “Self”.
The technology is developing now.”Artificial intelligence‘ which is driven solely by logic, computation and protocol. Yet none of his “knowledgeable” machines have yet passed the Turing test. An inorganic version of the machine will probably never outperform biological, organic intelligence. Efforts to build intelligence into machines will certainly enable faster computation, processing, and data analysis. He will soon invent an intelligence that will surpass his computational speed and data processing capabilities. The “Cyborgs” of tomorrow will undoubtedly be highly capable machines working tirelessly for and at the command of their Masters.
Any intelligence that pushes an individual and his race towards destruction can hardly be called intelligence. The intelligence that fuels unprecedented leniency breeds hatred and an unreasonable power struggle that could decimate his existence. He uses this mutant intelligence to invent an “artificial intelligence” that will serve his particular interests and aspirations. He calls this intelligence “artificial intelligence”. It is truly artificial in terms of confirming his artificial identity, achieving artificial goals and satisfying his artificial desires. It is a far cry from self-sufficient, benevolent, natural intelligence, of which there is plenty, which goes from an oxymoron to rhetoric and ultimately to parody, or even better, a self-defeating paradox. .
Author: Deepak Ranade
Unlock Your Role in the Universe: Bhagavad Gita 3.16 Explained