If you want to learn something novel, it’s usually a good idea to go to an expert in that field. They have been learning it for years, know it inside out and can explain it in an understandable way. For example, this video from an optical engineer explaining how to see better when driving at night. However, entertainment does not always have to be educational. Sometimes it’s nice to just sit back and listen to someone say a few things you already know and agree with. like this former anti-union Volkswagen employee. It has a cleansing effect.
The video below is definitely the latter, so if you’re hoping to learn something, this isn’t the video for you. However, if you’re frustrated by novel car trends, this is exactly the kind of thing you’ll enjoy watching. He’s an ordinary guy, not an enthusiast who is slowly losing his mind about various trends in the automotive industry. We’ll also give him an extra point for being the occasional successful YouTuber who owns something other than a Tesla. We’d probably choose something other than the Hyundai Sonata, but you could do a lot worse for YouTube money.
Considering that the film is only 30 minutes long (which is still long, but you can always watch it at 2x speed and shorten it to 15 minutes), it’s impressive how many topics it manages to cover.
Novel transmission control that dispenses with the time-honored PRNDL gear lever? Check. An escalate in distracted driving and road fatalities? Check. All controls built into touchscreens at the expense of buttons? Check. Do you hide door handles that are frozen and stuck in winter? Check. Are the headlights of all vehicles unnecessarily blinding at night? Check. An arms race towards building larger and larger cars? Check.
And that’s only for the first 15 minutes. He also includes a clip from Not Just Bikes, clowns on a Cybertruck, and then rents one to see if it really is as bad as it seems. As mentioned earlier, you probably already know everything he discusses in the video, but if you share his frustrations, who cares? Be ecstatic that Drew is slowly going crazy about everything so you don’t have to.
Cars are getting dumber